Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
Multi-channel Live Chat | SMS, WhatsApp, Web Chat, App Chat & Socials

Seamless Live Chat solution. Service customer's in real-time and drive sales

Engage with customers and provide exceptional support experiences through a chatbot or live agent directly accessible from your website or mobile application.

Text Global Live Chat Web Chat Solution

Conversational live chat widget with powerful features

Install the live chat widget to your website or application in minutes. Create personalised chat flows using the platform's front-end drag and drop editor. Hook in the AI-Chatbot to use rule-based or intent-based automated responses.

Customise the Live Chat widget to match your identity


Create widgets that reflect your brand identity and enhance your Live Chat with a personalised flair.

Modify aspects such as language, visibility, colours, positioning, avatar, and additional features to suit your preferences.

Text Global Live Chat Web Chat

Chat on multiple languages


Support automatic Live Chat messages in various languages within one widget.

Text Global Live Chat Multi-lingual


Personalise engagement with triggered messaging


Personalise welcome and repetitive messages, including buttons and quick replies based on the customer’s language.

Text Global Web Chat Welcome Message


View customer's messages as they're typing


Preview the content customers are typing, prepare answers, and respond in seconds.

Text Global Live Chat Preview


Attract customer's attention


Invite visitors to start chatting with a chatbot or an agent and receive help with a single click.

Text Global Live Chat Web Chat Draw Attention


Programmable support with Conversations API

Code your own solutions with our flexible APIs

Quickly add Live Chat for customer service to your communication stack through our Conversations API, with low-code options – and offer customers easily accessible customer support.

Create your conversational ecosystem with multiple integration options

Take advantage of various out-of-the-box integrations to strengthen your communication strategy.  Need something bespoke? Speak with a member of the team. 

Start your Live Chat customer journey today

More engagement, better customer experience, and higher conversion rates.