Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
How To Automate SMS Marketing Campaigns For Maximum ROI

How To Automate SMS Marketing Campaigns For Maximum ROI

If you’re looking to maximise your return on investment (ROI) and get more out of your marketing efforts, automating SMS marketing campaigns is a great way to do just that. SMS marketing campaigns are an increasingly popular way to reaching existing customers, and with a few simple steps you can set up an automated strategy that will help you convert more orders. Automating your SMS campaigns will save time, money, and energy, while still allowing you to reach the right customers with the right message. With automated SMS marketing campaigns, you can setup various event based triggers. Meaning, based on how a customer behaves on your website our platform will trigger a targeted SMS message with a specific offer. Furthermore, SMS can also be automated to send important service updates like delivery dispatch texts or refund confirmation alerts. As a result helping lower staff downtime and inbound customer enquires. Find out why so many of our clients are opting for automated SMS marketing below. 

What is SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is a broad term used to describe any marketing tactic that relies on text messages to drive engagement and conversions. While SMS has been around for decades, it has become increasingly popular in recent years as technology has evolved, making it easier to send and receive text messages on various devices. With SMS marketing, businesses send promotional content to existing and potential new customers via text message. Traditional marketing tactics, such as email marketing and social media marketing, rely on web-based platforms that require internet access. SMS, on the other hand, is accessible to everyone with a 3G, 4G or 5G connection. This makes SMS text a cost effective and profitable marketing channel for any business.

Automating SMS Marketing Campaigns

If you want to streamline your SMS marketing efforts, automation is one of the best ways to get started. Utilising the Text Global Platform users can easily setup various SMS automations through our Zapier plug-in. Alternatively, event based triggers can be setup within the platform that are activated once certain actions take place. The perfect example of this could when a website visitor places an item on their cart, fills out their personal details and then abandons the checkout. Based on the cart abandonment an automated SMS marketing offer can be sent an hour later. By offering a little discount to complete the order it will encourage the customer to purchase. As a result, growing your customer database and increasing revenue. In addition, there are no limitations with the type of automations that can be sent or the method that triggers the SMS text message. 

Automated SMS Marketing Use Cases

– Abandoned Cart SMS
– New Customer Welcome SMS
– Lapsed Customer Offer (30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc)
– Birthday SMS Offer (if DOB is captured during signup or sale)
– Re-stock alerts
– Cross Sell Alerts (if a customer orders a specific item, an SMS can be triggered to promote a similar item that often sell well)
– VIP Early Access SMS (triggered when customers sign up to webform)

The use cases are endless! Consult a member of our team and we can offer advice on the best strategy to achieve your desired goal. 

Tracking ROI

Automated SMS marketing campaigns can be measured using the same analytics and tracking tools used for other online marketing campaigns. For example, you can use Google Analytics or a UTM link to track views, clicks, and revenue generated. You can also use our URL tracking and shortener tool to track clicks and who has clicked links. Alternatively, a unique discount code could be used in the SMS text message. When a customer completes an order and uses the code you’ll be able to track the total converted orders and amount generated. 

Tips For Making The Most Of Automation

Automating your SMS campaigns is an excellent way to save time and energy while still engaging with customers. However, it’s important to make sure your automation is sending the right message to avoid annoying your customers. Follow these tips to make sure your automated campaigns are as effective as possible: – Ensure your message is valuable: Don’t send out automated messages just for the sake of sending out automated messages. Instead, make sure the message you send out is relevant, interesting, and helpful. – Don’t be repetitive: Once you’ve sent out a message, don’t send it again. Doing so will only annoy your customers and make them less likely to engage with your messages in the future. – Don’t send spam: Although it’s important to automate your campaigns, it’s also important to make sure you aren’t sending spam. This means following all the rules and regulations surrounding SMS marketing, as well as making sure your messages are appropriate for your audience.



Automating SMS marketing campaign is a great way to save time, streamline process and maximise sales conversions. It’s important not to bombard customers with too much promotional content. Finally, make sure the content you’re sending adds value. To kickstart your automation strategy contact a member of our team to find out how to get started. 

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