Text Global Mobile Messaging for Businesses
Don’t be sad this Blue Monday! Send a bulk SMS text campaign and generate orders

Don't be sad this Blue Monday! Send a bulk SMS text campaign and generate orders

“Blue Monday,” officially recorded as the most depressing day of the year. Mondays are always terrible, but this specific Monday in January is considered to be the worst of them all. But, as an online business owner, this can be an opportunity to connect with your customers. On Blue Monday, show appreciation and drive online sales with a simple SMS text message.

Why Choose SMS Text Marketing?

Before we get into templates and other details, let’s first discuss why SMS is the most effective marketing method. Nearly everyone now owns some type of smartphone, which means an SMS is a direct path to communication. These messages will pop up on a screen and take a few seconds to read, as opposed to an email which is usually checked only once a day and may have you ending up in a spam box. With an incredible open rate of 98%, a simple SMS marketing strategy really can’t be beaten.

Blue Monday SMS Marketing Strategy

Blue Monday really doesn’t have to be as depressing as it sounds. Here are some SMS tips to help you reach out to your existing customers and drive online sales!

Simple Greeting

The third Monday of January is the perfect time to reflect on the holiday season and check up on your customers. After the hubbub of Christmas and New Year, your clients will definitely appreciate a kind gesture such as reaching out. This is also a good opportunity to show that you are grateful for a good year and that they are still supporting your business!

Sales and Discounts

Offering an exclusive discount is always a great idea. It makes your existing customers feel appreciated as well as intrigued to make a purchase they otherwise wouldn’t. Especially on such a depressing day, you can’t go wrong with a small exclusive offer. It is the perfect opportunity to clear out some inventory that has been stuck in storage since last year.

Glimpse into the Future

If you want to stand out and be unique, you can also offer a glimpse into upcoming collections. For example, if you have a special Valentine’s Day offer coming up, why not give your existing loyal customers a sneak peek at what you have in store for them! This will help your clients a chance to distract themselves from the depressing Blue Monday as well as build up excitement for your upcoming release.

General Tips and Templates

If this is the first time, you are considering using an SMS text marketing strategy, not to worry! Here are some more general tips to help you get started. Firstly, it is important to use time-sensitive language, such as “one-day discount” or “limited time discount.” This will get customers excited to seize the opportunity before it’s gone. This same tactic should also include some phrases that show urgency, like “Don’t miss out on this Blue Monday deal”! No one wants to be the one to miss out on an exclusive offer, so make sure to pinpoint that thought in your messages.

Here are two SMS templates to help you get started!

Blue Monday? Enjoy 20% off all items TODAY ONLY! Shop now at www.yourbusines.co.uk. Let us cheer you up today! Optout STOP to 88440

Feeling blue? We’ve got you! Get 20% OFF full priced items. Shop now at www.yourbusiness.co.uk Use code BLUE20 at checkout today only. Unsub txt STOP to 88440



Every holiday is a chance to drive sales when you use SMS text message marketing, and this applies to Blue Monday as well. So get writing and watch your sales grow!

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